Monday, July 6, 2009

How do I create a forum/message board? Is it easy? vbulletin.?

I am a member of a forum. However, they are unsupportive and with all my posts, they reply with rude/negative answers and are not helpful at all. I believe that a community should supporte one another. Therefore, I am wanting to create my own forum/message board.

I am wanting to use vbulletin for my forum. Here are my questions. Please answer them separately if possible.

1.) Can I create a website with just a vbulletin forum and nothing else?

2.) I have no web design skills/knowlege except for free web host. Since my website will not have any content except for the forum, how much website making skills do I need?

3.) Do I need a server at my house or can the server be off location?

4.) Can my webhost find out my personal activities online such as the specific website I%26#039;ve been to such as shopping, checking e-mail, etc.?

Note: I use the computer on a regular basis.

How do I create a forum/message board? Is it easy? vbulletin.?

You will need a domain name and web hosting either free or paid. Start with SMF or Phpbb which are free and once you get many users and posts transform to VB board which is paid forum software.

If you are serious about websites either for personal or your business, don%26#039;t go to free web hosting as they are usually not reliable and you may end up losing all your hard work. Free web hosts usually put advertisements on your websites and it could be annoying.

If you like to create websites (usually you will end up more than 1 website, I got more than 100 websites in about 6 months%26#039; time), go for multiple web hosting services where you could host all your websites in one account.

I would like to suggest following webhosting which I use, they are excellent.

They offer hosting of %26quot;unlimited domains%26quot; and you will get massive webspace of 600000 MB (600 GB ). They only charge $5.95/month and they offer %26quot;a free Domain Name%26quot; and installing service called %26quot;Fantastico%26quot;. By using Fantastico, you could create own forum, photo gallery, shopping cart (e-commerce),your own auction site and your own blogs within few seconds. They also offer %26quot;Free Website Builder%26quot; as well.

Visit the site to check details.

More the list of BEST WEB HOSTING sites visit

How do I create a forum/message board? Is it easy? vbulletin.?

It does take a commitment to run a community forum. If you%26#039;re able to put in the time that is needed you will end up with an outstanding community.

Yes you can have your website as just your forum.

You do not need any website design skills to put a forum together on your web host. Depending on the forum you go with (vbulletin or not) you can use it right %26quot;out of the box%26quot; or you can adjust the settings within the administration area. There are also a variety of sites that offer free templates to use with many of the available forum scripts/software. To find one to suit your needs search your favorite search engine using the keywords %26quot;free templates%26quot;, and be sure to place the name of your chosen forum script/software before those keywords.

You do not need a server at your own home to host a forum, though it is possible. Yes, your server can be off location閳ユ摠 highly recommend going this route as you will not have to deal with a bunch of issues that come with running a server from your home.

You web host has no way of knowing your personal activities. Your web host is just that, hosts your website. The only way that anyone can know about your personal activities online is through your ISP and your own computer. A web host does not have access to either, unless you use your ISP%26#039;s web hosting. However, most ISP%26#039;s have their internet service and web hosting as separate departments, but then again, their web hosting service has nothing to do with your personal activities online.

From my experience, I would not recommend using vbulletin. I would check into using phpBB as it is the most easily configurable forum script/software available that I have come across and used, even for someone new to website design.

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