Monday, July 6, 2009

Does ne one know a good file hosting site that is free?

its for my web design class and we design web pages and i need music for it but it seems like all the sites i check make you pay money but i need it for like 2-3 songs nothing major. thanks

Does ne one know a good file hosting site that is free?

Here is the list of many kinds of free hosting with no ads or banners:

Hope you find your own.

Good Luck.

Does ne one know a good file hosting site that is free?

How are you getting to Yahoo now? Most ISP provide an area you in which you are able to build you own site and put files via ftp.

Other Replys:Last I knew, if you have a freewebz account you can upload a few files to your directory, I am not sure if there is a limit otherwise for paying members and nonpaying members.

You could also try or

Good luck!

Other Replys: -%26gt; Totally free; all you need is a Gmail account for free, but as you may know, someone must invite you to sign up, I can do it for you if you send me your mail address.

There%26#039;s another free service that is called %26#039;ebox%26#039; or something like that; just google it to find out, I don%26#039;t remember the right name.

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