Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why some say pages cannot be displayed?

I made a website that should display using IE 6 or 7. The problem is, some say cannot. If we are using the same browser, why is it that I can see everything and they said the page can%26#039;t be displayed? I have some using firefox say can and other say cannot. What exactly is the problem? I don%26#039;t think it has to do with the web host right? Really need some IT expert help here.

Thanks in advance. =)

Why some say pages cannot be displayed?

This may be related directly to the naming conventions you are using for the links. Some browsers are case sensitive. As well, you need to check the extensions to make sure you are not pointing to say webpage2.html when the actual page is webpage2.htm . A missing quote or slash could also be a problem. I would definitely say that it has something to do with the coding, but since you didn%26#039;t provide a link, I can%26#039;t check your codes for you. My site below has a lot of useful HTML information under the Internet Talk section. Hope this helps

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